
The Lease Page

The lease page has been designed to focus on a single agreement period. On the Lease page, you will select your agreement period and see applicable room assignments. Additionally, stats, unplaced but approved tenants, and placement tools, including room changes, bed blocks, deleting assignments, and quick availability searches, are all accessed on the Lease page. 

To view the Lease Page:

  1. Select Lease on the left side menu
  2. Select an Agreement Period

Lease Page Stats

After selecting an agreement period, the top section of the Lease page will show relevant stats. These are based on the selected agreement period. 

  • Unapproved = Placed in a bed without an approved reservation. They will have a blank checkmark next to their name. 
  • Approved = Both Placed in a bed, and their reservation has been approved. They will have a green checkmark next to their name. 
  • Open = No tenant is in that bed space. If the agreement period is open for leasing, the bed will show online for reservations. 
  • Blocked = Manually restricted or blocked by the manager and unavailable for reservations. 

View Unplaced Tenants

When you delete an assignment that was previously approved, that user will be added to the Unplaced Tenants section of the Lease page. Their assignment is deleted, and they will need to be placed manually to create a new assignment. 

Delete an Assignment

To delete an assignment:
  1. Find the tenant on your Lease page
  2. Scroll over their name, and additional functions will show
  3. Select the trash or delete icon
  4. Click Delete
  5. You will be asked to confirm the delete
  6. Confirm the delete

After the delete, if the tenant was past the contract step in the reservation, they will be shown as unplaced tenants. 

View a Summary of Tenant Details

To see a quick summary of the tenant profile from the Lease page select the name of any user. 

Changing Assignments and Beds

You can change an assignment with the bed change workflow below. If you want to swap two users (i.e., Tenant A and Tenant B will swap rooms), see the swap beds function down lower on this page. To change a tenant's assigned bed, first, verify that the new bed is open and can be selected, and then proceed. 

Change Beds:

  1. Find the tenant on your Lease page
  2. Scroll over their name, and additional functions will show.
  3. Select the Bed Icon
  4. On the change Assignment modal
    1. Select Change Type
    2. Select Building
    3. Select Floor
    4. Select Unit
    5. Select Room
    6. Select Bed
    7. Select Change Assignment

The Tenant will be changed based on your selections. 

Swapping Beds

Changing beds requires that the new bed is open before the change. There may be instances where two placed users will need to swap places  (ie Tenant A and Tenant B will swap rooms).  

Swap Beds:
  1. Find Tenant A on Lease
  2. Scroll over their name, and additional functions will show.
  3. Select the Swap Icon (two arrows)
  4. Find Tenant B on Lease
  5. Scroll over their name, and the additional functions will show.
  6. Select the Swap Icon (two arrows)

Bed Blocks

Remove beds from the online selection by adding Blocks. 

To add a block: 

  1. Doubleclick on any open bed
  2. Select Block
  3. Confirm by selecting Block Bed

To remove a block:

  1. Click on the block icon
  2. The block will be removed

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