Adding Payments and Charges to Student Accounts

How do I add a Charge or Payment?

On the Tenants profile, you can add ledgers (ie record Charges, Payments, and Credits). Based on your permissions you may also edit posted entries. To Authorize a payment from a tenant's associated payment method please see the guide titled "How do I Authorize a Payment?"

To add a new entry:

  1. Go to the tenant profile
  2. Select Ledgers
  3. Select Add New Ledger
  4. Follow the instructions on the add a ledger entry form
  5. Add Entry

To edit an entry:

  1. Go to the tenant profile
  2. Select Ledgers
  3. On the Ledger select the edit icon under the actions column
    1. Please note that ledger edits may be restricted based on your user permissions
  4. Follow the instructions on the edit ledger entry form
  5. Submit Changes

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