Room Choice Onboarding Agenda

We look forward to working together.  This is a summary of the onboarding steps we'll use as our agenda and task list as we complete the onboarding on your new property.

  1. New Property Questionnaire and Property Information
    1. We do our best to understand your unique goals.  From on-campus and off-campus to employee housing, we see a variety of implementation settings.  Answers to this New Property Questionnaire will help us as we move down the onboarding path. 
  2. Verify Contract Documents and Onboarding Payment
    1. Contracting Documents will be signed electronically. 
    2. Once all contracts and payments have been verified, will schedule your onboarding call.  
  3. Kickoff Call
    1. Agenda:
      1. Review Client Questionnaire and Property Information
      2. Review Contract
      3. Discuss leasing implementation goals and features
      4. Review New Client Workbook and instructions. 
  4. New Property Workbook
    1. Please use our provided template link via Airtable (similar to google docs)
  5. Room Choice Setup
    1. The Room Choice team will merge notes, the onboarding questionnaire, and the new client workbook and build out your application. 
  6. Audit and Review
    1. A guided walkthrough of the platform has been customized to your settings and preferences. 
    2. An audit report for all pricing and agreement period services to be certified by the new client. 
  7. Merchant Account Verification.
    1. An active merchant account enables your platform to accept and receive online payments. To verify your merchant account, follow these instructions: Room Choice Merchant Account and Compliance.
  8. Launch! 
  9. Training and Support

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