View Waitlist


The Waitlist is fund on the lease page. One the lease page you will see the View Waitlist in the top right. The waitlist will only have users listed for the selected agreement period. To see Waitlisted users for a different agreement period you must first change your selected agreement period. 

View Waitlist

  1. Click on the view waitlist link to open up the waitlist. 
  2. The waitlist will open on the right side of the page

Adding a tenant to the waitlist

  1. To add a tenant to the waitlist select the clock icon on their assignment on the lease
  2. Follow the prompted instructions
  3. Agree with the assignment change alert

Placing a wait list tenant into an assignment

  1. Open the waitlist
  2. Find the tenant
  3. Select Place
  4. On the Change Assignment form select the change type
  5. Select the property
  6. Select the building
  7. Select the floor
  8. Select the unit
  9. Select the room
  10. Select the bed
  11. Select Change Assignment

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